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Margrethe Vestager's team

Margrethe Vestager's team supports her in her daily work

Contact the team

Team - Margrethe Vestager

  • Head of Cabinet
Stina Soewarta
stina [dot] soewartaatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 69870
  • Management, strategy and coordination of the Cabinet
  • Personnel and administration
  • Coordination of work with the President and other Vice-Presidents
  • Deputy Head of Cabinet
Michele Piergiovanni
michele [dot] piergiovanniatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 86577
  • Deputising for Head of Cabinet
  • Group of Inter-institutional Relations (GRI)
  • Coordination with the Council
  • Strategy and coordination of competition policy
    • European Competition Network
    • External relations in competition policy
    • Relations with Hearing Officers
  • Country Coordinator: Italy

  • Cabinet Expert
Werner Stengg
werner [dot] stenggatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 69159
  • Strategy and coordination of Europe Fit for the Digital Age
  • Artificial Intelligence and data economy
  • Platform Economy
  • Disinformation
  • E-government
  • Digital skills
  • Media AVMSD
  • Internal Market: standards and intellectual property
  • Space
  • Sustainability and the digital age
  • Telecommunication
  • Connected cars
  • 5G
  • Cybersecurity
  • Country Coordinator: Austria

Co-ordination with other Commission policy areas

  • Education, skills, culture, youth and sport
  • Cabinet Expert - Communications Advisor
Christina Holm Eiberg
christina [dot] holm-eibergatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 58207
  • Responsible for communications and co-ordination of communication issues
  • Relations with the Spokesperson's Service
  • Country Coordinator: Denmark
  • Member of Cabinet
Simon Genevaz
simon [dot] genevazatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 91897

Cartels, antitrust and mergers

  • Antitrust and merger policy
  • Cartels
  • Financial services
  • Basic industries, manufacturing and agriculture
  • Health, Pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
  • Public access to documents
  • Foreign Subsidies Regulation

Coordination with other Commission policy areas

  • Justice and Consumers
  • Fundamental rights and the Rule of Law
  • Infringements (apart from state aid)
  • Financial stability, financial services and capital markets union
  • Migration, home affairs and citizenship
  • Country Coordinator: Bulgaria, France, Hungary


  • Cabinet Data Protection Officer
  • Member of Cabinet
Liliane Karlinger
liliane [dot] karlingeratec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 51483

Antitrust and mergers

  • Antitrust and merger policy
  • Energy and environment
  • Digital economy
  • Digital taxation
  • Information, Communication and Media
  • Transport, post and other services
  • Relations with Chief Economist Team

Coordination with other Commission policy areas

  • Investment and competitiveness
  • Transport
  • Economic and financial affairs, taxation and customs
  • Country Coordinator: Greece, Cyprus, Malta
  • Member of Cabinet
Héloïse Auplat
heloise [dot] auplatatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 51012

State aid and Enforcement

  • State aid policy
  • Energy and environment
  • Research, development and innovation aid
  • Information, communication and media

Coordination with other Commission policy areas

  • Energy
  • Better regulation
  • Country Coordinator: Czechia, Croatia, Slovakia
  • Member of Cabinet
Ramona Ianus
ramona [dot] ianusatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 93278

State aid and Enforcement

  • State aid policy
  • Risk capital aid
  • Financial services
  • Restructuring aid
  • Fiscal aid
  • Transport (state aid)
  • Health and other services
  • Services of general economic interest
  • Regional aid
  • Enforcement and procedural framework
  • External relations in the field of state aid

Coordination with other Commission policy areas

  • Infringements (state aid)
  • Trade
  • European Neighbourhood policy and enlargement negotiations
  • Country Coordinator: Portugal, Romania
  • Member of Cabinet
Thomas Woolfson
thomas [dot] woolfsonatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 94555


  • Competitiveness, industrial policy & SME strategy
  • Internal market

State aid and Enforcement

  • State aid policy and enforcement
  • Important projects of common European interest
  • Semiconductors aid
  • Agriculture and fisheries aid

Coordination with other Commission policy areas

  • Agriculture and rural development
  • Brexit and future relations with the UK
  • Next GenerationEU and Recovery & Resilience Facility (with Andreea Ticheru)
  • Defence
  • Country Coordinator: Belgium, Finland
  • Member of Cabinet
Andreea Ticheru
andreea [dot] ticheruatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 93154


  • Research and innovation
  • Budget and spending programmes

Coordination with other Commission policy areas

  • Budget
  • European Semester
  • Next GenerationEU and Recovery & Resilience Facility (with Thomas Woolfson)
  • Economic governance review
  • Economic and financial affairs
  • International Financial Institutions
  • Ukraine Facility
  • Country Coordinator: Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland
  • Member of Cabinet, Policy coordinator
Mette Dyrskjøt
mette [dot] dyrskjotatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 90189


  • Relations with European Parliament and Renew Europe Coordinator
  • Relations with national parliaments
  • Coordination of Commission presence in European Parliament
  • Coordination of Parliamentary Written Questions (with Clay Busia) 

Coordination with other Commission policy areas

  • Employment, social affairs and labour mobility
  • Social Economy
  • Equality
  • Green deal (environment and climate)
  • Country Coordinator: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden
  • Member of Cabinet
Hanna Zinner
hanna [dot] zinneratec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 83855


  • Implementation of Digital Legislation
  • Digital Global Gateway
  • Digital and Development Cooperation
  • EXCO
  • Economic Security
  • External relations on digital, including Trade and Technology Councils, Digital Partnerships and digital Global Gateway
  • Economic security

Coordination with other Commission policy areas

  • Coordination with the Secretariat General
  • International co-operation & development
  • Humanitarian aid & crisis management
  • Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
  • Country Coordinator: Germany, Ireland
  • Member of cabinet - Communications
Paola d’Amécourt
paola [dot] d'amecourtatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 50066
  • Speechwriting (outside competition)
  • Social media
  • Support to Communications Adviser
  • Administration of transparency register and EC website
  • Country Coordinator: Slovenia, Spain
  • Policy Assistant
Sofie Hovmand
sofie [dot] hovmandatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 96176
  • Relations with Danish stakeholders, think tanks, academics and civil society (visitors’ groups)
  • Citizens’ inquiries and citizens’ initiatives
  • Health (with Hanna Zinner)
  • Foresight, including intergenerational questions (with Hanna Zinner)
  • HR matters (with Clay Busia)
  • Personal assistant to the Executive Vice-President
Johan Verly
johan [dot] verlyatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 58422
  • Coordination of the EVP’s calendar
  • Preparation of the EVP’s missions
  • Assistant to the Head of Cabinet
Clay Busia
clay [dot] busiaatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 60813
  • Coordination of briefings
  • Administrative support
  • HR matters
  • Coordination of Parliamentary Written Questions (with Mette Dyrskjøt)
  • Assistant to the Deputy Head of Cabinet
Manuela Massimi
manuela [dot] massimiatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 64645
  • Coordination of briefings
  • Administrative support
  • Assistant to Werner Stengg and Andreea Ticheru
Roxana Nica
roxana-mirela [dot] nicaatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 81839
  • Coordination of briefings
  • Administrative support
  • Assistant to Ramona Ianus and Héloïse Auplat
Astrid Leborgne
astrid [dot] leborgneatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 85730
  • Coordination of briefings 
  • Administrative support
  • Assistant to Simon Genevaz and Liliane Karlinger
Ines Camacho Serna
ines [dot] camacho-sernaatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 57325
  • Coordination of briefings
  • Administrative support
  • Assistant to Hanna Zinner
Katarina Dvorska
katarina [dot] dvorskaatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 96329
  • Coordination of briefings
  • Administrative support
  • Assistant to Thomas Woolfson
Valeria Granata
valeria [dot] granataatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 75640
  • Document management officer
Ewa Karpinska
ewa [dot] karpinskaatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 81547
  • Archives and Documentation
  • Preparation of College file
  • Preparation of Hebdo file
  • Coordination of Special Chefs Meetings
  • Coordination legislative procedures
  • Document management officer
Alexandra Brasat
alexandra [dot] brasatatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 67799
  • Archives and Documentation
  • Preparation of College file
  • Preparation of Hebdo file
  • Coordination of Special Chefs Meetings
  • Coordination legislative procedures
  • Access to documents requests
  • Blue Book Trainee
Camille Auffray Castel
camille [dot] auffray-castelatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 13222
  • Driver
Eric Bellemans
  • Driver
Marc Cornelis