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Calendar items of the President and Commissioners (21)
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Upcoming and ongoing
Mr. Didier Reynders receives representatives of Nyt Europe
Mr Janusz Wojciechowski in Bucharest, Romania: participates in the National Conference of the Romanian Farmers’ Club.
Ms Vĕra Jourová meets with Mr Christophe Leclercq, Chairman of the MediaLab
Ms Vĕra Jourová speaks at the conference Democracy Alive: The Brussels Summit
Receives Mr Michel Barnier, Prime Minister of France
Participates in Friends of Europe's State of Europe high-level roundtable
Mr. Didier Reynders participates in the “State of Europe” conference
Meets online with Luc Rémont, CEO of EDF
Commissioner Schmit participates in the State of Europe 2024, a high-level conference on EU policies and the future of the EU organised by Friends of Europe, in Brussels
Ms. Helena Dalli delivers a keynote speech at the conference “Game Changer: Sport’s role in fighting discrimination"
Ms. Helena Dalli delivers a keynote speech at the MedFilm Festival
Ms Vĕra Jourová in Strasbourg: speaks at World Forum for Democracy
Commissioner Schmit receives in Brussels Cayetano García Ramírez, Regional Vice-minister for the Presidency in the Government of the Region of Valencia, Spain
Participates in the Meeting of the European Political Community
Meets with DCPMO (Danske Pressepublikationers Kollektive Forvaltningsorganisation)
Mr. Didier Reynders participates in the graduation ceremony of the Brussels School of Competition
Attends the 15th Edition of Salone della Giustizia event in Rome, Italy
Participates in the informal meeting of the members of the European Council
Ms Elisa Ferreira delivers a keynote Speech at the conference - Company's Day - Challenges of water and climate change in the European context
Participates in the Il Regno conference "The Divided History: Post-Fascism and Post-Communism in Italy and Europe", in Camaldoli (AR), Italy