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Virginijus Sinkevičius' team

Virginijus Sinkevičius' team supports him in his daily work.

Contact the team

  • Head of Cabinet
Carmen Preising
carmen [dot] preisingatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 86983
  • Strategy, Management and overall coordination of the Cabinet
  • Relations with President's and Executive Vice-Presidents’ cabinets
  • Strategic inter-institutional issues
  • Coordination DG MARE and DG ENV
  • Management of senior staff
  • Management of special advisers
  • Commissioners’ group ‘European Green Deal’
  • Relations with I.D.E.A.

(AT, DE, RO, ES)

  • Deputy Head of Cabinet
Eglantine Cujo
eglantine [dot] cujoatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 82058
  • Deputising for the HoC                                                                    
  • Management of support staff
  • GRI (Group for inter-institutional relations)
  • EXCO
  • Commission Work Programme


  • Implementation of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
  • Action against global deforestation
  • Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution
  • Implementation of UN High Seas Treaty (BBNJ)


  • Inter-institutional Relations and Foresight
  • Budget and Administration


  • Member of Cabinet
Arūnas Ribokas
arunas [dot] ribokasatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 67579


  • Implementation of the Global agreement to ban fisheries subsidies
  • Arctic Policy
  • Implementation of new approach for a sustainable Blue Economy, incl. Mission Ocean
  • Maritime Security
  • Global Sustainable Development Goals
  • Clean water and water industry
  • Implementation of LIFE programme


  • A Stronger Europe in the world, including relevant Commissioners’ group
  • Trade
  • Energy
  • International Partnerships
  • Neighbourhood and Enlargement

(LT, LV, EE)

  • Policy Coordinator
Elena Montani
elena [dot] montaniatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 68017


  • Implementation of the EU-Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Biodiversity and Nature Protection, including legal framework on the restoration of healthy ecosystems
  • Implementation of the EU Forest and Soil Strategies
  • Implementation of Zero Pollution Ambition for a toxic-free environment
  • Clean Air and Industrial emissions and safety
  • Implementation of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
  • Empowering women in fisheries and environmental policies 
  • Environmental crime
  • Implementation of New Deal for Pollinators
  • Green cities and regions
  • 3 billion trees initiative
  • Compliance and enforcement – infringements


  • Climate Action
  • Transport
  • Health

(IT, HR, SL, PT)

  • Member of Cabinet
Giedrius Alasevicius
giedrius [dot] alaseviciusatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 98997


  • Coordination of relations with the European Parliament
  • Relations with national Parliaments
  • Relations with European Economic and Social Committee/Committee of the Regions
  • Relations with the European Court of Auditors
  • Implementation of 8th Environmental Action Programme
  • Recovery and Resilience Facility and European Semester


  • Economy that works for people, including relevant Commissioners’ group
  • Europe fit for the Digital Age, including relevant Commissioners’ group
  • Innovation Research, Culture, Education and Youth
  • Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Union

(PL, HU, SK, CZ)

  • Member of Cabinet
Rozalina Petrova
rozalina [dot] petrovaatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 94792


  • Implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan
  • Ecodesign for sustainable products; textiles; plastics; packaging; batteries; vehicles
  • Sustainable consumption; environmental claims and labels
  • Waste and secondary materials
  • Tackling the unintentional release of microplastics in the environment
  • Relations with the Environment Council
  • Relations with the European Environment Agency


  • Jobs and Social Rights
  • Internal Market

(BG, BE, NL, IE)

  • Member of Cabinet
Agné Razmislavičiūtė-Palioniene
agne [dot] razmislaviciute-palionieneatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 63195


  • Fisheries Policy, incl. TAC & Quota negotiations and relations with UK
  • Relations with the Fisheries Council
  • Implementation and evaluation of the CFP
  • Protection of the marine environment and marine biodiversity
  • International Ocean Governance
  • International sustainable fisheries and zero tolerance approach towards IUU
  • Fisheries Control and relations with the European Fisheries Control Agency
  • European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund
  • Implementation of the Farm to Fork Initiative
  • Land-use and management (except Forest strategy and Soil strategy), including Nitrates Directive


  • Agriculture
  • Cohesion and Reform
  • Food safety
  • Competition

(DK, SE, FI,)

  • Policy Assistant (Media And Communication)
Dovile Sandaraite
dovile [dot] sandaraiteatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 94560


  • Communication and information strategy
  • Social media accounts
  • Relations with SPP
  • Relations with Lithuanian media
  • Relations with non-Lithuanian media
  • Articles, blogs, video recordings and speeches
  • Citizens' Dialogues
  • Commissioner’s website
  • Relations with DG MARE's and DG ENV's communication teams


  • Home Affairs
  • Equality 
  • Promoting our European Way of life, including Commissioners’ group
  • Values and transparency, including relevant Commissioners’ group
  • Democracy and demography
  • Crisis management
  • Justice

(EL, CY, MT)

  • Policy assistant and assistant to the Commissioner
Rūta Čiurlioniené
ruta [dot] ciurlionieneatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 50217
  • Planning of Commissioner’s agenda
  • Coordination of Commissioner’s correspondence and follow up
  • Coordinatation of Commissioner's visits to Member States
  • Briefing coordination
  • Relations with the Commission Protocol
  • Patronage requests
  • Relations with the Lithuanian community
  • Ethics and Transparency
  • Document management officer
Regina Slapsyte
regina [dot] slapsyteatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 51596
  • Document management and archives
  • Coordination of Parliamentary questions, petitions and ombudsman inquiries
  • COLLEGE, HEBDO and Special chefs document management
  • Assistant to Head of Cabinet Carmen Preising
Henrikas Grigutis
henrikas [dot] grigutisatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 69690
  • Assistant to Eglantine Cujo and Styliani Karavazaki
Maria Cotan
maria [dot] cotanatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 86014
  • Assistant to Giedrius Alasevicius and Dovile Sandaraite
Monika Zebuolyte
monika [dot] zebuolyteatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 60090
  • Assistant to Elena Montani and Arūnas Ribokas
Simona Kotsaridis
simona [dot] kotsaridisatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 62404
  • Assistant to Rozalina Petrova and Agnė Razmislavičiūtė-Palionienė
Hanna Grekula
Hanna [dot] GREKULAatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 68128
  • Blue Book Trainee
Loreta Kriauciunaite
loreta [dot] kriauciunaiteatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 96298