Valdis Dombrovskis - European Commission
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Valdis Dombrovskis


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    Find out more about Commissioner Dombrovskis's responsibilities for the term 2024-2029.

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  • Chair the Commissioners’ Group on an Economy that Works for People
  • Trade Commissioner and overall lead on building a future-ready economy
  • Support the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility and the European Semester
  • Oversee the launch and the implementation of the InvestEU program
  • Lead work on deepening the Economic and Monetary Union and strengthening the international role of the euro
  • Coordinate the work on the European Pillar of Social Rights and strengthening the role of social dialogue at European level. [Help prepare the Tripartite Social Summit]
  • Represent the Commission in the ‘Economic and Financial Affairs’ Council meetings, the Eurogroup, the economic dialogue with the European Parliament, the Macroeconomic Dialogue and the Governing Council of the European Central Bank
  • Enhance the democratic accountability of European economic governance and EU trade policy by actively engaging with the European Parliament
  • Lead the EU work on the reform of the World Trade Organization and provide further impetus to WTO negotiations on e-commerce
  • Lead the work to strengthen Europe’s global leadership on trade and promoting sustainable trading partnerships with the United States, China, Africa and neighborhood and conclude ongoing negotiations. Where appropriate, open new bilateral or multilateral partnerships
  • Oversee the implementation of climate, environmental and labour protections enshrined in our trade agreements and ensure that new trade agreements contain a chapter on sustainable development
  • Lead the work on protecting Europe from unfair trade practices by seeking a level playing field in procurement and implementing the new system for screening Foreign Direct Investment
  • Contribute to the design and introduction of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
  • Co-ordinate the work on the Sustainable Europe Investment Plan, which should unlock sustainable investment
  • Manage relations with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB)
  • Co-lead the Commission's work on the implementation of Europe’s Industrial and SME strategies, together with the Executive Vice-President for Europe in a Digital Age

Mission letter

  • 13 SEPTEMBER 2020
President von der Leyen's mission letter to Valdis Dombrovskis

European Parliament hearings

  • 1 DECEMBER 2019
Valdis Dombrovskis' answers to the European Parliament questionnaire



Valdis Dombrovskis' team supports him in his daily work.

My team



As part of the Commission’s commitment to transparency, Commissioners and their members of Cabinet publish information on meetings held with organisations or self-employed individuals.

In line with the Commission's Code of Conduct for Members of the Commission, each Commissioner publishes a Declaration of Interests.

signed, authentic version is published at the bottom of this page.

machine-readable version of all Declarations is also published. This is in line with the requirements of the Code of Conduct.

The Declarations of Interests follow the requirements set out in Article 3 and in Annex 1 of the new Code of Conduct for Commissioners.


  1. Since October 2020
    European Commission Executive Vice-President responsible for an Economy that Works for People, also in charge of Trade
  2. 2019 - present
    European Commission Executive Vice-President responsible for an Economy that Works for People
  3. 2016-2019
    EC Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
  4. 2014-2016
    European Commission Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue
  5. 2014
    Member of the European Parliament (MEP) representing the European People’s Party
  6. 2014
    Member of Parliament (Saeima) in Latvia
  7. 2009-2014
    Prime Minister of Latvia
  8. 2004-2009
    Member of the European Parliament (MEP) representing the European People’s Party
  9. 2002-2004
    Finance Minister of Latvia
  10. 2001-2002
    Chief Economist at the Monetary Policy Department, Bank of Latvia
  • 1 DECEMBER 2019
Valdis Dombrovskis's biography


Declaration of interests

  • 17 SEPTEMBER 2024
Declaration of interests - Valdis Dombrovskis