Contact the team
Address European Commission
Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200
1049 Brussels
- Archived content
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- Phone number
- +32 2 29 0097
- Responsibilities
- Management of the Cabinet
- Overall policy coordination
- Strategic inter-institutional issues
- Senior personnel matters

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 66213
- Responsibilities
- EXCO and international coordination across portfolio
- Interinstitutional and legislative coordination
- European Parliament
- Parliamentary questions and petitions
- European Green Deal / Farm to Fork strategy
- Antimicrobial resistance (coordination and international aspects)
- Animal welfare
- Ombudsman
- Management of ASTs
- HERA-Cabinet coordination
- European Green Deal
- Trade
- Agriculture

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 86764
- Responsibilities
- Communications, all aspects
- Relations with the Spokesperson’s Service
- Citizens dialogues (communication aspects)
- Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
- Vaccination
- COVID-19: communication; borders; vaccination strategies
- Research in the area of health and food safety
- Mental health
- Promoting the European Way of Life
- Home Affairs (migration)
- Crisis management
- Equality
- Values and transparency

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 91747
- Responsibilities
- Legal issues across portfolio/ Infringements
- Implementation and enforcement of EU Law
- Notifications
- Pharmaceuticals
- Health technology assessment
- Clinical trials
- European Medicines Agency
- Tobacco
- COVID-19: internal market and pharmaceutical issues
- Food labelling
- Novel foods
- Food improvement agents
- Food contaminants
- Access to documents
- HERA - security of supply, joint procurement, stockpiling, industrial dimension, HERA invest.
- Medical Devices
- Nutrition
- Alcohol
- Ethics correspondent
- Agriculture
- Justice
- Internal market

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 97772
- Responsibilities
- Animal health
- Plant health
- Animal feed
- Food fraud
- Official controls
- Community Plant Variety Office
- EU4 Health Programme
- Single Market Programme
- COVID-19: global issues, transport, tourism issues
- Global health (including UN dimension)
- United Nations
- G7/ G20
- HERA – support to Ukraine, international work, work programme
- European Semester
- A Stronger Europe in the World
- Budget
- Multiannual financial framework
- Recovery and Resilience facility

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 95716
- Responsibilities
- GRI deputy
- Food safety
- Pesticides and biocides
- Biotechnology
- Food hygiene
- Brexit
- Health security
- HERA – COVID-19 vaccines, EU FAB, threats/surveillance
- COVID-19: Advisory Panels, lessons learned, vaccines, HERA preparedness, modelling surveillance
- Veterinary medicines
- European Food Safety Authority
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, including relations with HERA
- European Court of Auditors
- European Green Deal
- Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, incl Chemicals/REACH
- Agriculture
- Brexit

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 74456
- Responsibilities
- Interinstitutional relations
- Cross-border healthcare
- Digital health
- Substances of human origin
- European Reference Networks
- Food waste
- Food contact materials
- COVID-19: horizontal policy support
- Health stakeholder relations (excluding cancer, pharma and communicable disease stakeholders)
- Digital COVID-19 Certificate.
- Council of Europe
- National Parliaments
- Committees
Non portfolio
- Inter-institutional relations and foresight
- Europe fit for Digital Age
- Neighbourhood and Enlargement
- International Partnerships
- Democracy and Demography

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 96622
- Responsibilities
- Speeches
- Social media
- Commissioner’s website
- Events management
- Relations with national media
- Audiovisual aspects
- Press assistance
- Press monitoring
- COVID-19: horizontal communications support
- Patronages
- Contact person for Cyprus stakeholders

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 81161
- Responsibilities
- Health information
- State of health in the EU
- Social media, communications support
- COVID-19: horizontal communications and policy support, epidemiological monitoring
- Health and Environment
- Youth
- Jobs and social rights
- Competition
- Cohesion and reforms
- Culture
- Education
- Transport
- Energy
- Internal Market (Space industry)
- An Economy that Works for the People
- Financial markets
- Defence
- European Citizens Initiative

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 62041
- Responsibilities
- Communication content preparation in Greek (speeches, articles, interviews)
- Communications support
- Social media
- Health and Climate Change
- Citizens dialogues (communication aspects)
- Research in the area of health and food safety
Non portfolio
- Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
- Youth, Culture, Education
- Equality
- Democracy and Demography
- Values and transparency
- European Citizens Initiative

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 86926
- Responsibilities
- Logistics, agenda, missions of the Commissioner
- Budget
- Business Continuity Officer
- Local Security Officer
- Administrative assistant

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 89933
- Responsibilities
- Human resources, training
- HEBDO file coordination
- Jour Fixe meetings

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 88690

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 67782

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 67781

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57865
- Responsibilities
- Document management
- College file preparation
- HEBDO file preparation
- RSCC coordination
- Legislative coordination
- Parliamentary Questions coordination
- Access to documents