Contact the team
Email cab-hogan-contactec [dot] europa [dot] eu (cab-hogan-contact[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Address European Commission
Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200
1049 Brussels
- Archived content
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- peter [dot] powerec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 55333
- Responsibilities
- Overall coordination
- Personnel issues
- Responsible for weekly preparatory meetings of the College of Commissioners (HEBDO)
A Stronger Europe in the World (CGSE)
- elisabetta [dot] siracusaec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 94234
- Responsibilities
- Deputising for the Head of Cabinet
- Inter-institutional relations Group (GRI)
- Commission Working Programme
- Investment policy (including Foreign Direct Investment)
- International Procurement Instrument
- Carbon border tax
- China
- Trade and security (including export controls)
- Defence and Space Industry
- Security and Defence and Sanctions
- cristina [dot] rueda-catryec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 95893
- Responsibilities
- Enforcement and implementation
- Level playing field (market access)
- EU’s enforcement regulation
- Intellectual property including geographical indications, counterfeiting and origin markings (except patents)
- G7, G20
- USA, Canada
- Latin America, Mercosur
- Budget, including Multiannual Financial Framework and administration
- Foresight
- Taxation and Customs
- dermot [dot] ryanec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57854
- Responsibilities
- Group for External Coordination (EXCO)
- Brexit FTA (CAB coordination)
- Communication
- Relations with the European Parliament
- Relations with the EU Council of Ministers
- Relations with national parliaments
- Relations with the European Committee of the Regions
- Relations with the European Economic and Social Committee
- Dialogue with civil society
- Farm-to-fork and biodiversity
- Relations with International Financial Institutions
- European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA), Switzerland
- United Kingdom
- Russia
- Central Asia
- India
- ASEAN: South and East ASEAN
- Japan
- An Economy that Works for People
- Economy/European Semester
- Financial stability,FISMA, InvestEU, Green financing
- OLAF, Court of Auditors, Audit
- cecile [dot] billauxec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57306
- Responsibilities
- Africa, including Northern Africa
- African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) and post-Cotonou negotiations
- Trade and Sustainable Development, including Human Rights
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Due diligence
- Generalised System of Preferences (GSP)
- Cambodia and Myanmar
- International Cooperation and Development
- North Africa and Euromed
- Sanitary and Phytosanitary issues (SPS)
- Raw materials
- Trade and energy
- A European Green Deal (with Dermot Ryan)
- Promoting our European Way of Life
- Environment
- Energy
- Climate
- International Partnerships
- Migration and Home Affairs
- tom [dot] tynanec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57862
- Responsibilities
- Trade Defence Instruments
- SMEs
- Technical barriers to trade
- Export credits
- Korea
- Turkey
- Iran, Iraq
- Middle East
- Gulf Cooperation Council
- Biotech
- Agriculture
- Agriculture
- Oceans and fisheries
- Innovation and research
- Health and food safety
- kevin [dot] kearyec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57774
- Responsibilities
- Australia
- New Zealand
- ASEAN (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malesia, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia)
- Japan
- Republic of Korea
- Relations with Ombudsman
- Petitions
- Access to Documents
- Relations with Think Tanks
- Better Regulation
- Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MARE)
- Global Gateway Connectivity
Member States: Ireland, Cyprus, Slovakia
- sophie [dot] dirvenec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 67228
- Responsibilities
- Communications
- Social media
- Media briefings
- Relations with the Spokesperson's Service (SPP) and DG Trade on communication
- Relations with think tanks (with Kevin Keary)
- bernie [dot] kilcoyneec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 67126
- bernie [dot] kilcoyneec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 67126
- Responsibilities
- Assistant to the Head of Cabinet
- Coordination of the Cabinet budget
- Human resources and logistical issues
- Training
- Local Security Officer (LSO)
- pauline [dot] rowanec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 61458
- deborah [dot] grassettiec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 58270
- eleni [dot] valavaniec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 67064
- Responsibilities
- Archives / Secure document handling
- DMO (Hebdo & Commission File)
- Functional Mailboxes
- Virtual Entities in ARES
- Document management
- GRI File