Contact the team
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Address European Commission
Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200
1049 Brussels

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- bernd [dot] biervert
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 56887
- Responsibilities
- Overall co-ordination and management of the Cabinet
- Strategic management and coordination of the Cabinet
- Relations with the President’s Cabinet
- Personnel matters
- Preparation of Commission meetings
- Security

- sofia [dot] asteriadi
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57103
- Responsibilities
- Deputising the Head of Cabinet
- Relations with the European Parliament, including the European Green Deal, foresight and EU/UK relations;
- Commission Work Programme and inter-institutional programming
- Inter-institutional relations (coordination)
- Group for Inter-institutional relations (GRI)
- Coordination of relations with Switzerland
- Right of initiative, right of inquiry
- Framework agreement with the European Parliament
- Inter-institutional agreement on Better Law-Making
- Group for External relations (ExCO)
- International cooperation (relations with third countries and organisations including WB, IMF, WEF, etc.)
- Coordination with SG and LS, relations with Cabs Schinas, Jourová (except on ethics body), Reynders, Johansson, Borrell, Urpilainen,
- Relations with Greece, Cyprus
- Justice, Fundamental Rights (incl. data protection) and Citizenship
- Security Union
- Migration and Home affairs
- Neighbourhood (migration-related)
- European External Action Service

- renata [dot] goldirova
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 94671
- Responsibilities
- Strategic communication, media activities, coordination of speeches, digital and online media
- General Affairs Council
- Relations with the Council
- Coordination with DG COMM and SPP
- Relations with international and Slovak media
- Relations with Slovak constituency
- Relations with CabVárhelyi
- Relations with Croatia, SIovenia
- Neighbourhood and Enlargement

- adam [dot] romanowski
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 60847
- Responsibilities
- European Green Deal and Climate Action Coordination
- Internal Energy market, electricity, security of gas supply, TEN-E
- Methane emissions
- EU Energy Platform
- International energy relations, International Energy Agency, IRENA
- Member States’ implementation (incl. monitoring of transposition/gold plating - with CS) and enforcement (incl. infringements procedure)
- Coordination with ENER, relations with Cabs Simson, Dombrovskis (Investment/EIB),
- Relations with Poland

- gabriela [dot] keckesova
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 62732
- Responsibilities
- Relations with Slovak constituency
- Support on Inter-institutional relations
- Relations with the European Parliament, including relations with PETI
- Petitions
- Relations with National Parliaments
- Relations with the Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
- Relations with Cabs Ferreira, Ivanova (translation and interpretation), Jourová (European Citizens’Initiatives and independent ethics body)
- Relations with Slovakia, Hungary and Czechia
- European Citizens' Initiatives
- Regional Policy
- Translation
- Interpretation
- Code of conduct, ethics and transparency (incl. independent ethics body) and access to documents

- virginie [dot] battu-henriksson
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 89611
- Responsibilities
- Strategic foresight coordination
- Relations with academia and think tanks
- Citizens’ dialogues, including green dialogues
- Global Covenant of Mayors, Covenant of Mayors – overall coordination
- Coordination of relations with Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (EEA, EFTA States)
- Coordination of relations with Andorra, Monaco and San Marino
- Support on EU-UK relations
- Conference on the Future of Europe
- Coordination with the JRC (foresight), relations with Cabs Vestager (Digital), Breton (digital, defence and space), Šuica
- Relations with France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Finland
- Defence and Space
- Digital agenda
- Democracy and Demography
- Education and Culture, Youth and Sport

- carsten [dot] schierenbeck
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 60767
- Responsibilities
- Better regulation and simplification
- Regulatory burden ("One In, One Out" principle, e-government/digitalisation of public administration)
- Refit/Fit for Future Platform
- Relations with RegHub
- Impact Assessments and Evaluations
- Subsidiarity and proportionality
- Regulatory Scrutiny Board
- Public consultations and Calls for Evidence
- Groups for Inter-institutional relations (GRI) and External relations (EXCO), in cooperation with the Deputy Head of Cabinet
- Support on relations with Switzerland
- Support on inter-institutional relations, including relations with the European Parliament (including JURI)
- Delegated and implementing acts (comitology)
- Relations with EU decentralised agencies (coordination)
- Relations with Cabs Hahn, Breton (industry)
- Relations with National Parliaments
- Relations with Germany, Austria and Denmark
- Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
- Budget (including MFF and the Financial Regulation) and Human Resources
- Discharge procedure
- Anti-fraud/OLAF, European Public Prosecutor’s Office
- Court of Auditors, Internal Audit Service, Publication Office

- jan-hendrik [dot] dopheide
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57600
- Responsibilities
- Coordination of relations with the UK
- Implementation of the EU/UK Withdrawal Agreement
- Implementation of the EU/UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
- Relations with the Council (EU-UK relations)
- Relations with Cabs Dombrovskis (trade), McGuinness
- Relations with Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Ireland
- Trade
- Financial Stability, Services and Capital Markets

- kamil [dot] talbi
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 53083
- Responsibilities
- European Battery Alliance
- Critical Raw Materials
- Relations with Cabs Breton (Critical Raw Materials and key value chains), Schmit, Dalli
- Relations with Italy, Malta
- Jobs and Social affairs (including social dialogue and skills)
- Equality
- Taxations and Customs Union

- marina [dot] brakalova
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 13737
- Responsibilities
- 'Farm to fork' strategy
- Strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture in the EU
- Water strategy
- Soil strategy
- Zero pollution
- Coordination with AGRI, SANTE, relations with Cabinets Kyriakides, Sinkevičius (zero pollution, soil and water) and Wojciechowski
- Relations with Bulgaria

- rozalina [dot] petrova
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 94792
- Responsibilities
- Circular economy agenda, including sustainable product policy, packaging, textiles, end-of-life vehicles, plastics, secondary raw materials, waste
- Biodiversity and ecosystems, including the implementation of the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy, Nature Restoration Law, global deforestation, and Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
- EU 2030 Forest Strategy, forest monitoring
- EU and global climate adaptation agenda
- EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
- Coordination with ENVI, MARE, ECHO, relations with Cabinets Sinkevičius, Lenarčič
- Relations with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
- UN Sustainable Development Goals
- International Cooperation and Development
- Humanitarian aid

- dino [dot] toljan
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 83070
- Responsibilities
- Climate, including the Emissions Trading System (ETS, ETS 2), CORSIA, relations with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), Innovation Fund, Modernisation Fund Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)
- Energy governance, including National Energy and Climate Plans
- Climate law
- Social Climate Fund
- EMAS (Internal Commission climate neutrality)
- Montreal Protocol, ozone depleting substances and fluorinated gases
- Environment Council coordination
- Coordination with CLIMA, relations with Cabinet Hoekstra
- Relations with Croatia, Slovenia

- aleksandra [dot] baranska
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 90636
- Responsibilities
- Hydrogen
- Just Transition
- Clean mobility
- Nuclear energy, safety, ITER fusion project, Euratom
- Coordination with MOVE, REGIO (JTF), relations with Cabinets Valean, Ferreira (Just transition), Vestager, Ivanova (Research and Innovation)
- Relations with Romania
- Competition policy (incl. anti-trust, merger and state aid)
- Research and Innovation
- Eurostat

- david [dot] knight
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 89365
- Responsibilities
- Speech writing and publications for the Executive Vice-President
- Webmaster

- rudolf [dot] kloiber
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 69829
- Responsibilities
- Document Management Office (DMO)
- Preparation of files for meetings of the College of Commissioners
- Preparation of files for weekly meetings of Heads of Cabinet
- Parliamentary questions
- Local Security Office (LSO)
- Data protection contact point
- Business Continuity Coordinator
- IT and training correspondent

- beata [dot] podhorna
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 75990
- Responsibilities
- Executive Vice-President's agenda and missions
- Protocol
- Slovak correspondence

- dasa [dot] zemkova
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 99799
- Responsibilities
- Executive Vice-President´s agenda
- Executive Vice-President´s missions
- Slovak correspondence
- Relations with Slovak constituency

- laurence [dot] bastin
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 80926
- Responsibilities
- Coordination of Cabinet's administrative and logistical matters
- Leave officer (Human Resources)
- Contact point Cabinet/DGs
- Coordination of Cabinet's budget

- amelie [dot] morand
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 50773
- Responsibilities
- Contact point Cabinet/European Parliament
- Preparation for the Group on Inter-institutional Relations (GRI)
- Preparation for the Group for External Cooperation (EXCO)
- Plenary session preparation
- Protocol EP
- Coordination of briefings

- cidalia [dot] santos
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 52587
- Responsibilities
- Back up for Document Management Officer – DMO
- Contact point Cabinet/ENER

- vasilka [dot] lyubenova
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 59595

- katarzyna [dot] dudzinska
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 55012

- zuzana [dot] lysa
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 72213
- Responsibilities
- Contact point for the Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB
- Contact point for the Joint Research Centre
- Contact point for social partners
- Contact point Cabinet/CoR/EESC
- Contact point Cabinet/National Parliaments
- Contact point Cabinet/Agencies
- Contact point Blue Book trainees
- Correspondent for Special Advisors
- Correspondent for petitions

- virginie [dot] blancher
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 80064
- Responsibilities
- Contact point Cabinet/UKS
- Contact point Council of the European Union
- Contact point Conference on the Future of Europe

- simona [dot] giorgini
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 90094
- Responsibilities
- Contact point for DG Communication and the Spokesperson’s Service
- Contact point for the Ombudsman

- jana [dot] kestlerova
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 55719

- gregoire [dot] neveu
ec [dot] europa [dot] eu