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News Blog - Dubravka Šuica (24)
RSSAfter an unusual summer break, an untypical back-to-school period is following. As millions of children across the European Union returned to school, packing schoolbags this year meant including hand sanitizers, facemasks and carefully reading the security and hygiene instructions.
As we slowly and cautiously emerge from confinement across Europe, our work continues its fast-paced rhythm towards the recovery in response to COVID-19.
I have always been someone who enjoyed being among people, so the shift to confinement and working via video-conference has not been an easy one.
When I first started to write this blog, I could never have imagined that the significant achievements of our first 100 days would pale in comparison to the major crisis that we are now facing. While it is still important to reflect on the work that has been done we must also pledge that we will con