- Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
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- Archived content
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- Ensuring the environment, oceans and fisheries remain at the core of the European Green Deal.
- Presenting a new Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: from Natura2000, deforestation, species and habitats, to sustainable seas and oceans.
- Delivering on the Commission’s zero-pollution ambition, including air and water quality and hazardous chemicals.
- Leading on a Circular Economy Action Plan to promote the use of sustainable resources.
- Promoting plastic-free oceans and proper implementation of legislation on plastics, particularly microplastics.
- Ensuring full implementation of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy.
- Effective control and enforcement and respecting the maximum sustainable yield objective.
- Evaluating the Common Fisheries Policy by 2022, including the social dimension, climate adaptation and clean oceans.
- Contributing to the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy on sustainable food, maximizing the potential of sustainable seafood and the aquaculture sector.
- Promoting international ocean governance, playing a lead role in international discussions.
- Ensuring Europe leads the way to an ambitious agreement at the 2020 Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
- Taking a zero-tolerance approach to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
- Contributing to WTO discussions on a global agreement to ban fisheries subsidies that cause overfishing, illegal fishing and overcapacity.
- Developing a new approach for a sustainable blue economy drawing on research, maritime spatial planning, marine renewable energy, blue investment and regional cooperation.
Mission letter
- 1 DECEMBER 2019
- lietuvių(577.63 KB - PDF)
European Parliament hearings
- 1 DECEMBER 2019
As part of the Commission’s commitment to transparency, Commissioners and their members of Cabinet publish information on meetings held with organisations or self-employed individuals.
- Meetings with Commissioner Sinkevičius
- Meetings with the Commissioner's Cabinet
- Missions of Commissioner Sinkevičius
In line with the Commission's Code of Conduct for Members of the Commission, each Commissioner publishes a Declaration of Interests.
A signed, authentic version is published at the bottom of this page.
A machine-readable version of all Declarations is also published. This is in line with the requirements of the Code of Conduct.
The Declarations of Interests follow the requirements set out in Article 3 and in Annex 1 of the new Code of Conduct for Commissioners.
- 2019 - 2024European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
- 2017-2019Minister of Economy and Innovation, Lithuania
- 2016-2019Member of the Parliament, Lithuania
- 2016-2017Chair of the Parliament Economics Committee, Lithuania
- 2016-2019Deputy Leader of the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union
- 2016Team Leader of the Group for Regulatory Affairs, Invest Lithuania
- 2015-2016Project Coordinator, Lithuanian Airports