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Thierry Breton's team

Thierry Breton's team supports him in his daily work

Contact the team

  • Head of Cabinet
Valère Moutarlier
valere [dot] moutarlieratec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 62162
  • Strategic Policy and Inter-institutional Issues
  • Management of the Cabinet
  • Senior personnel matters
  • Relations with the cabinet of the President and the Executive Vice-Presidents
  • Tourism (with MJP)
  • Deputy Head of Cabinet
Lucía Caudet Balzer
lucia [dot] caudetatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 56182
  • Deputising for Head of Cabinet
  • Strategy and communication
  • Industrial policy (with JC)
  • Resilience of the Single Market (with AG)
  • Group of Inter-institutional Relations (GRI)
  • Coordination of Competitiveness Council


Country coordinator: DE, ES, CZ

  • Cabinet expert - Political advisor
Fabrice Comptour
fabrice [dot] comptouratec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 55105
  • Digital sovereignty, including Quantum, HPC, Cloud & Edge, 5G/6G/OpenRAN cybersecurity
  • Competitiveness and resilience, including Sovereignty Fund
  • EU Chips Act
  • Cybersecurity
  • Space and Defence
  • EU industrial alliances on chips, cloud & edge, and launchers
  • Relations with the EP and political groups
  • Coordination of Defence and Space Councils



  • “A Stronger Europe in the World” (with EL)
  • “Promoting our European way of life”
  • Security Union, Migration, Home affairs
  • Relations with HRVP Borrell and VP Schinas

Country coordinator: BG, FR, SE

  • Member of Cabinet
Joan Canton
joan [dot] cantonatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 52155
  • Industrial policy (with LCB)
  • Critical Raw Materials (including Alliance)
  • Clean Tech Europe (with AG)
  • Energy intensive industries
  • Clean hydrogen (including Alliance)
  • Chemical policy
  • Automotive industry (including ROUTE 35)
  • Circular economy (with AG)
  • Alliance for zero emission aviation
  • Economic policy analysis, including economic analysis of ecosystems (with PA)
  • European Semester (with PA)



  • “An Economy that Works for People” (with PA)
  • “Green Deal” (with AG)
  • Economy (SGP, Eurozone) (with PA)
  • Jobs and social rights
  • Energy
  • Transport
  • Climate and Environment
  • Competition (with EO)

Country coordinator: CY, EL, IE

  • Member of Cabinet
Elina Laurinen
elina [dot] laurinenatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 53654
  • Functioning of the Single Market (goods, services, professional qualifications)
  • Single Market Enforcement (with MJP)
  • Public procurement, including foreign subsidies
  • Public interest services and concessions
  • Corporate sustainability due diligence and Forced labour
  • FDI screening (with AG)
  • EU-India Trade and Technology Council and Digital partnerships
  • International dimension of the portfolio
  • Group for External Coordination (EXCO) (with FC)



  • “A Stronger Europe in the World” (with FC)
  • Trade
  • Neighbourhood and enlargement
  • International partnerships 

Country coordinator: FI, BE, LU, DK

  • Member of Cabinet
Eleonora Ocello
eleonora [dot] ocelloatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+32 2 29 95102
  • Online platform regulation and enforcement (Digital Services and Markets Acts)
  • Preventing and countering disinformation
  • Telecoms and connectivity
  • Audiovisual and media services, including Media Freedom Act
  • Copyright and Geoblocking
  • Creative industries
  • E-privacy
  • Coordination of TTE Council


  • “A Europe fit for the digital age”
  • Competition (with JC)
  • Justice and consumers
  • Cohesion
  • Relations with VP Jourová

Country coordinator:  IT, PT, PL

    • Member of Cabinet
    Maurits-Jan Prinz
    maurits-jan [dot] prinzatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    Phone number
    +32 2 29 92049
    • SMEs and start-up policy
    • Tourism (with VM)
    • Collaborative economy
    • Single Market Enforcement (with EL)
    • Intellectual Property Rights
    • Standardisation policy
    • Data policy, including Artificial intelligence and Metaverses
    • eGovernment, including digital identity
    • EU-US Trade and Technology Council
    • Industrial aspects of health emergency preparedness (with PA)


    • “A new Push for European Democracy”
    • Values and Transparency
    • Education, culture, youth and sport
    • Relations with VP Šuica

    Country coordinator: NL, RO, SL, SK

    • Communications Adviser
    Terence Zakka
    terence [dot] zakkaatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    Phone number
    +32 2 29 60016
    • Media activities of the Commissioner
    • Relations with the Spokesperson’s Service
    • Strategic development of social media activities


    Country coordinator: EE, LT, LV

    • Policy Assistant
    Charlotte Norlund-Matthiessen
    charlotte [dot] norlund-matthiessenatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    Phone number
    +32 2 29 55331
    • Resilience of the Single Market, including Single Market Emergency Instrument (with LCB)
    • Clean Tech Europe (with JC)
    • Circular economy (with JC)
    • Solar Alliance
    • Batteries (including Alliance)
    • Cross-border activities of associations
    • Public health including asbestos in buildings
    • FDI screening (with EL)
    • Construction, textiles



    • “Green Deal” (with JC)
    • Relation with VP Sefcovic
    • Agriculture
    • Maritime affairs and fisheries
    • Crisis management
    • Foresight

    Country coordinator: AT, HR, MT, HU

    • Policy Assistant
    • Economic policy analysis, including economic analysis of ecosystems (with JC)
    • Financial instruments (including InvestEU)
    • Skills and digital education
    • Industrial aspects of health emergency preparedness (with MJP)
    • Recovery and Resilience Facility
    • Multiannual Financial Framework
    • European Semester (with JC)
    • Audit progress Committee



    • "An Economy that Works for People" (with JC)
    • Economy (SGP, Eurozone) (with JC)
    • Reform and Recovery 
    • Competition (with EO and JC)
    • Health and food safety
    • Taxation and customs
    • Budget and administration
    • Research and innovation
    • Financial services
    • IAS, OLAF

    Country coordinator: TBC

    • Assistant to the Commissioner
    Anna Gorska
    anna [dot] gorskaatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    Phone number
    +32 2 29 99354
    • Agenda of the Commissioner
    • Briefings for the Commissioner
    • Coordination with the Commission Protocol
    • Correspondence of the Commissioner
    • Document management officer
    Maria Angela Lo Giudice
    maria-angela [dot] lo-giudiceatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    Phone number
    +32 2 29 55827
    • Archives
    • Document manager
    • Legislative procedures
    • Hebdo – eCollege
    • RSCC
    • RUE
    • Security of information
    • Local security officer
    • Assistant to Terence Zakka / Document management officer / HR correspondent
    Dominique Van Cauwenberge
    dominique [dot] Van-Cauwenbergeatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    Phone number
    +32 2 29 69967
    • Archives
    • Document manager
    • Legislative procedures
    • Parliamentary questions
    • Hebdo – eCollege
    • RSCC
    • Transparency Register
    • Cabinet HR procedures management
    • Assistant to Valère Moutarlier and Lucía Caudet Balzer
    Nuran Saygili
    nuran [dot] saygiliatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    Phone number
    +32 2 29 97770
    • Assistant to Elenora Ocello
    Isabelle Kosinski
    isabelle [dot] kosinskiatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    Phone number
    +32 2 29 53981
    • Assistant to Fabrice Comptour and Maurits-Jan Prinz
    Vicky Keskinidis
    vicky [dot] keskinidisatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    Phone number
    +32 2 29 67780
    • Assistant to Joan Canton and Elina Laurinen
    Claire Saelens
    claire [dot] saelensatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    Phone number
    +32 2 29 96877
    • Trainee
    Caroline Bouremel
    caroline [dot] bouremelatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    Phone number
    +32 2 29 96969
    • Driver
    Frederic Grassıccıa
    frederic.grassıccıaatec [dot] europa [dot] eu
    • Driver
    Stephane Veramme
    stephane [dot] verammeatec [dot] europa [dot] eu