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  • News article
  • 19 January 2022
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 1 min read

Statement New mandate for the European Union Agency for Asylum EUAA

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Today marks day one of the new mandate for the European Union Agency for Asylum EUAA . It is a momentous day for #MigrationEU both operationally and symbolically.

Blog Johansson

Operationally it allows for EU member states to get asylum process experts to rapidly come to where they are needed.

500 Asylum officials are on permanent standby.

It allows for training of national officials so that our approach to asylum is more uniform.

It guarantees fundamental rights oversight.

And Symbolically, this new mandate illustrates the EU ongoing commitment to the right to asylum.

To those who are at physical at risk because of their bravery.

Be it for standing up for free speech.

Be it for standing up for democracy.

Be it for standing up simply for who they truly are.

The European Union is proud to provide refuge.

Our EU democratic principles don’t end at our borders.

They are opened to those fighting life and limb trying to extend democratic principles throughout the world.

Congratulations to the EUAA and to Executive Director Nina Gregori.

This is a significant step on the way to "Europeanise" migration policy.


Publication date
19 January 2022
Directorate-General for Communication