Contact the team
Address European Commission
Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200
1049 Brussels

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- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57754
- Responsibilities
- Strategy and policy formation
- International and inter-institutional relations and representation
- Management of the Cabinet
- Relations with the President's Cabinet and Executive Vice-Presidents' Cabinets
- Senior personnel matters
- Member States: Italy

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 96749
- Responsibilities
- Coordination DG Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN)
- Coordination DG Taxation and customs union (TAXUD)
- Management of support staff
- Eurogroup and ECOFIN coordination
- Coordination of economic surveillance and taxation policy, cross-country consistency
- Economic forecasts
- EMU / Euro / ERM-II / relations with ECB
- Commission Work Programme
- Group of Interinstitutional Relations (GRI)
- Human Resources and Security (HR)
Member States : France, Spain

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 53462
- Responsibilities
- Recovery and Resilience Facility
- European Semester
- Macroeconomic imbalances
- Customs Union
- Group of Interinstitutional Relations (with A. Margerit)
- Budget and own resources / MFF (BUDG)
- Structural Reform Support (REFORM)
- Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO)
- Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI)
- Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MARE)
- Rule of Law, Justice and Consumers (JUST)
Member States: Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Belgium
External relations: South America, Africa

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 64317
- Responsibilities
- Coordination Eurostat (ESTAT)
- Eurostat issues
- European Unemployment Benefit Scheme/SURE
- Economic forecasts (with A. Margerit)
- Economic Governance Review
- Budgetary surveillance
- National fiscal frameworks
- Relations with the European Fiscal Board
- Italy’s Draft budgetary plan and medium term fiscal structural plan
- Macrofinancial assistance
- Health and Food Safety (SANTE)
- European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (NEAR)
Member States: Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Candidate countries (incl. Turkey), Neighbourhood countries

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 62308
- Responsibilities
- Coordination of G7/G20
- Relations with IMF and IFI’s
- InvestEU / Sustainable Europe Investment Plan
- Relations with EIB, EIF, EBRD and NPBIs
- Relations with ESM
- Financial assistance and crisis management
- Financial Assistance for Ukraine (with Roberta Torre)
- Post-programme surveillance
- Enhanced Surveillance
- Climate Action (CLIMA)
- Energy (ENER)
- Environment (ENV)
- Mobility and Transport (MOVE)
- Group for External Coordination - EXCO
- Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS)
- European External Action Service (EEAS)
- Trade (TRADE)
Member States: Germany, Austria and Netherlands
External relations: China, Japan, other Asia, Ukraine, Russia, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 68820
- Responsibilities
- Relations with European Parliament, European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions
- Relations with Italian elected chambers and Government
- Italy’s Recovery and Resilience Plan
- Direct and indirect taxation
- New Own Resources
- Digital taxation
- BEFIT (corporate taxation)
- Energy taxation
- Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
- Tax fraud / tax evasion / tax avoidance
- Harmful tax regimes
- Infringements
- Digital euro
- Euro cash issues
- Coordination of parliamentary questions, petitions and relations with national Parliaments
- Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT)
- Competition policy (COMP)
- Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW)
- Service for the EU-UK Agreements (SG.UKS)
Member States: Portugal, Greece
External relations: Switzerland, United Kingdom, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Middle East

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 51518
- Responsibilities
- Communication and Information Strategy
- Publications
- Media relations
- Commissioner’s speeches
- Eurogroup and ECOFIN coordination (with A. Margerit)
- Communication and spokesperson's service (COMM and SPP)
- Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (FISMA)

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 63580
- Responsibilities
- Coordination of Commissioner’s office and agenda
- Relations with Italian institutions and national stakeholders
- Relations with European Parliament, European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions
- Relations with Think-Tanks and academics
- Equality
- Relations with civil society, NGO’s and religious organizations
- Group for external coordination – EXCO (with Julia Lemke)

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 97750
- Responsibilities
- Eurogroup and ECOFIN coordination (with A.Margerit)
- Sustainable Development Goals
- EMU/Euro/ERM-II/relations with ECB
- Customs Union (with S. Dewispelaere)
- Seize and Freece Task Force/working group on taxation
- Relations with OECD
- Petitions
- Relations with the European Court of Auditors and the Ombudsman
- Internal Audit Service (IAS)
- Better Regulation (Regulatory Scrutiny Board)
- Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL)
- Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (FISMA)
- International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO)
- European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)
- Foresight
Member States: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 68820
- Responsibilities
- European Semester (with S. Dewispelaere)
- RRF (with S. Dewispelaere)
- Customs Union (with S. Dewispelaere)
- European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
- Joint Research Centre (JRC)
- Inspire, Debate, Engage and Accelerate Action (IDEA)
- Research and Innovation (RTD)
- Migration and Home Affairs (HOME)
Member States : Czech Republic, Sweden, Denmark
External relations: Norway, Iceland

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 55943
- Responsibilities
- Coordination of G7/G20 (with J. Lemke)
- Relations with OECD
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Relations with the European Court of Auditors and the Ombudsman
- Internal Audit Service (IAS)
- Better Regulation (Regulatory Scrutiny Board)
- Parliamentary questions (with E. Burckhardt)
- International Partnerships (DG INTPA)
- European European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)
- Foresight
Member States: Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 88224
- Responsibilities
- Direct and indirect taxation (with E. Burckhardt)
- Infringements (with E. Burckhardt)
- Seize and Freeze Task Force/working group on taxation
- Petitions (with E. Burckhardt)
- EMU / Euro / ERM-II / relations with ECB (with A. Margerit)
- Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL)
- Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC)
Member States: Cyprus, Malta, Luxembourg, Ireland

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57535
- Responsibilities
- Support of the Commissioner
- Internal coordination of notes and briefings for the Commissioner
- Organisation of Commissioner’s meetings
- Coordination of missions and protocol
- Commissioner’s correspondence
- Policy support in the preparation of EXCO
- Informatics, Translation and Interpretation (DIGIT, DGT and SCIC)
- Contact point for ethics and transparency

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 90717
- Responsibilities
- Support of the Head of Cabinet
- Coordination of Cabinet budget
- Coordination of Human Resources and Trainings
- European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO)
- Coordination of Eurogroup and ECOFIN files (with K Dej)

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 63453
- Responsibilities
- Coordination of the Eurogroup and ECOFIN files
- Management of notes and briefings with/from DG ECFIN and ESTAT
- Coordination of GRI file (with F. Calledda)

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 68212
- Responsibilities
- Management of notes and briefings with/from DG TAXUD
- G7/G20 IMF files (with S. Laitinen)
- Basis Cross Cabinets requests (with S. Laitinen)

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 84403
- Responsibilities
- Communication
- Coordination of the G7/G20/IMF files
- Basis Cross Cabinet request Manager
- Policy support for EXCO (with S. d’Aquanno)

- Phone number
- +32 2 29 54091
- Responsibilities
- Coordination/Management of Greffe documents (RSCC, Hebdo, College, Decide/e-Greffe)
- Archives and document management
- Access to documents
- Code of Good Administrative Behaviour
- Local Security Officer
- Liaison Legal and Data Protection Officer
- Coordination of IT resources
- Business continuity
- Coordination of GRI file (with K. Dej)