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News Blog - Janez Lenarčič (7)
RSSForest fires pose a significant disaster risk to the whole of Europe as well as to other parts of the world.
Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, an equally grave threat to the lives of millions of people is mounting — famine.
As European Commissioner for Crisis Management, my mission is to help alleviate the suffering of the most vulnerable. And to offer assistance to people whose lives have been greatly affected by disasters. The EU’s Civil Protection Mechanism stands at the centre of this ambition.
Today, the world celebrates International Earth Day under the theme Restore our Earth. Five years ago, on this very same day, the Paris Agreement was officially open for signature and it entered into force on 4 November 2016.
On 15th March, the world marked the 10th anniversary of the civil war in Syria. A sad milestone for a conflict that has brought about immeasurable suffering, hardship and grief for millions of Syrian civilians.
Given the intensity of the conflict and the worrying level of humanitarian needs, I have just recently visited Afghanistan – as the first European Commissioner responsible for humanitarian aid in almost twenty years.
One year ago, I began my mandate as European Commissioner for Crisis Management with a simple purpose in mind: to help alleviate the suffering of the most vulnerable and provide assistance to people whose lives have been turned upside down by disasters, crises and conflicts.