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Contact the team
Email frans-timmermans-contactec [dot] europa [dot] eu (frans-timmermans-contact[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Address European Commission
Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200
1049 Brussels
- esther [dot] de-langeec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 95542
- Responsibilities
Strategy, management and coordination of the Cabinet
- sarah [dot] nelenec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57695
- Responsibilities
- Deputising for the Head of Cabinet
- Human resources and budget
- Commission Work Programme
- Coordination of strategic agenda planning
- Coordination of relations with DG CLIMA
- Inter-institutional relations and GRI
- ENVI Council Coordination
Green deal related policies
- Green Deal coordination
- Batteries
- Jobs and social rights
- Equality
- anthony [dot] agothaec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 64733
- Responsibilities
Green deal related policies
- External Policy Coordination (EXCO)
- Relations with think tanks and academia
- Action against global deforestation
- External relations (EEAS)
- Neighbourhood and enlargement
- International Cooperation and Development
- Humanitarian aid
- Defence
- Rule of law and Justice
- Coordination of infringements
- The Future of Europe
- Brexit and relations with the UK
- riccardo [dot] maggiec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 63890
- Responsibilities
Green deal related policies
- Coordinator of the Just Transition Mechanism
- Mainstreaming the Green Deal in the recovery response and the EU budget and Funds, including the Innovation and Modernisation Fund
- Coordinator on Green Deal impact assessments
- Renewable energy
- Energy efficiency and eco-design
- Energy governance, including National Energy and Climate Plans
- Energy research and coordination
- Regional policy
- Budget, including long-term budget (MFF)
- Better regulation
- Anti-fraud and audit
- olivia [dot] gippnerec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 91754
- Responsibilities
- Climate international: multilateral climate negotiations, G20/G7, climate finance, bilateral climate relations
- Climate ETS – Corsia, IMO
- External Policy Coordination (EXCO)
- 2040 climate target
- Environment
- Oceans and fisheries
- External relations – EEAS
- Trade
- Taxation and customs including carbon border adjustment mechanism
Countries: DE, AT, MT, CZ
- antoine [dot] colombaniec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 74513
- Responsibilities
Green deal related policies
- Green Deal and taxation, including carbon border adjustment and energy taxation
- Sustainable finance and corporate governance
- Mainstreaming the Green Deal in the European Semester and Recovery Package
- Green Deal Investment Plan, InvestEU
- Relations with European Investment Bank (EIB)
- Coordination with Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis
- Industrial Strategy, energy-intensive industries
- Taxation and customs
- Competition: state aid
- Internal market
- Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital markets Union
- Euro, economic and financial affairs
- Relations with social partners
- daniel [dot] mesec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 99517
- Responsibilities
- Industry, business outreach, SMEs, and start-ups, including Net-zero business desk, SME dialogue, industrial policy
- Energy-intensive industries
- Energy governance
- Renewable energy, energy efficiency
- Back-up to National Energy and Climate Plans
- Innovation fund, CINEA (together with MGJ)
- Transport
- Carbon capture usage and storage
- Aviation
- Relations with the EP and national parliaments
- Speechwriting support (with CD)
- Energy
- Competition and State aid
- Digital
- Tourism
- Internal Market
- Better Regulation
Countries: DK, SE, FI
- damyana [dot] stoynovaec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 78665
- Responsibilities
- Climate international: multilateral climate negotiations, G20/G7, climate finance, bilateral climate relations
- Climate Pact
- Implementation of the Climate Law
- Climate Research and Innovation (horizontal)
- External Policy Coordination (EXCO)
- Action against global deforestation
- Environment
- Oceans and fisheries
- Research and innovation
- Strategic Foresight
- External relations – EEAS
Countries: BG, RO, GR, HR
- rozalina [dot] petrovaec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 94792
- Responsibilities
- Circular economy agenda, including sustainable product policy, packaging, textiles, end-of-life vehicles, plastics, secondary raw materials, waste
- Biodiversity and ecosystems, including the implementation of the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy, Nature Restoration Law, global deforestation, and Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
- EU 2030 Forest Strategy, forest monitoring
- EU and global climate adaptation agenda
- EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
- Coordination with ENVI, MARE, ECHO, relations with Cabinets Sinkevičius, Lenarčič
- Relations with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
- UN Sustainable Development Goals
- International Cooperation and Development
- Humanitarian aid
- myriam [dot] jansec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 95405
- Responsibilities
- Political Adviser to the Commissioner
- Strategic Agenda management
- Citizens dialogues (with CD)
- Press, events
- Relations with Dutch press
- Speechwriting support (with CD)
- Neighbourhood and enlargement
- Equality
Countries: NL, IE, CY, GR
- estela [dot] pineiro-kruikec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 62233
- Responsibilities
Green deal related policies
- Private Secretary and Political Assistant to the EVP
- Agenda management
- Citizens dialogues
- Local Security Officer
- Liaison person for travel and protocol
- Relations with religious and confessional churches, associations and communities
- aleksandra [dot] tomczakec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 55877
- Responsibilities
Green deal related policies
- Just Transition regions and implementation of the Just Transition Fund
- Internal Energy Market, electricity
- Gas supply and international gas corridors
- Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E)
- Energy poverty
- Security of supply
- Nuclear energy, safety, ITER fusion project, Euratom
- International energy relations, International Energy Agency, multilateral negotiations
- Hydrogen
- sandra [dot] van-de-weyerec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 56290
- thysia [dot] tchekouteffec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 58750
- katarzyna [dot] dudzinskaec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 55012
- myriam [dot] lemahieuec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 87175
- katarina [dot] zlogarec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 97760
- david [dot] kissec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 63562
- egidijus [dot] dapkusec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 80729
- vasilka [dot] lyubenovaec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 59595
- myriam [dot] gonzalez-alonsoec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 69422
- tiina [dot] tapioec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 91573
- sandra [dot] tegazziniec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 55127
- Responsibilities
- Information
- Document management
- Archives
- Identification of documents under access to documents