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1049 Brussels
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- Responsibilities
- Strategy, management & coordination of Cabinet
- Follow-up on the Conference on the Future of Europe
- Preparation of College
- Senior Staff Matters
- Relations with President’s Cabinet
- Coreper
- desa [dot] srsenec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 63546
- Responsibilities
- Deputising for the Head of Cabinet
- Group for Interinstitutional relations (GRI)
- Demographic change incl. brain drain
- Strategy for outreach to regions affected by demographic challenges and brain drain (incl. rural & remote regions)
- Future of Europe: Regional & local aspects
- Ageing
- Relations with Committee of the RegionsCohesion
- Eurostat
- Relations with UK
- Budget & MFF
- Foresight
- ivo [dot] beletec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 92118
- Responsibilities
- Relations with EP & national parliaments
- Future of Europe: Parliamentary dimension
Non-portfolio responsibilities
- Green Deal
- Environment, Climate
- Inter-institutional relations
- Focal point on Racism
- vesna [dot] loncaricec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 50745
- Responsibilities
- Diplomatic Advisor
- ExCo
- Equality
- Future of Europe: External aspects
Non-portfolio responsibilities
- Stronger Europe in the world
- EEAS, Neighbourhood, Enlargement, Humanitarian, Development
- toma [dot] suticec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 88203
- Responsibilities
- National stakeholders
- Reconciling work and family
- Future of Europe: Legal aspects
- Democracy: Deliberative & Participative Democracy
- Agriculture, Fisheries & Maritime Affairs, Transport, Energy
- Promoting the European way of life
- Court of Auditors
- Infringements
- marco [dot] la-marcaec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 55588
- Responsibilities
- Ageing
- Loneliness
- Green Deal
- Environment, Climate
- Energy
- Industrial Policy
- Europe fit for Digital Age
- Innovation, Education & Culture
- Joint Research Centre (JRC)
- Financial Services
- ron [dot] korverec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 81660
- Responsibilities
- Demography
- Follow-up on Care Strategy
- Social aspects of demography
- EPSCO Council
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Support to Strategic Communications
- Contact point for Cabinets Dombrovskis, Schmit, Gentiloni, Breton, Kyriakides, Johansson, McGuinness
- Economy that works for the people
- Jobs & social rights, Health, Internal market,
- Migration & Home Affairs
- Trade
- Competition
- Economic & Social Committee
- Committee of the Regions
- Financial institutions
- Demography
- antea [dot] zeravicaec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 81596
- Responsibilities
- Personal aide to VP
- Preparation of weekly Cab meetings and jours fixes
- Social media
- Global dimension of demography
- ingrid [dot] godkinec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 91785
- Responsibilities
- Speech writer
- Coordination of briefs
- Team coordination: Cab budget, human resources, security coordination, training
- Future of Europe: Policy Support
- Democracy: Deliberative & Participative Democracy
- iris [dot] abrahamec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 67209
- Responsibilities
- Communications strategy & Public Diplomacy
- Relations with European and International media
- Relations with the Spokesperson’s Service and DG COMM
- Children’s Rights (incl. Child Rights Strategy) and Youth
- ExCo alternate
- Future of Europe: Strategic communications
- Fundamental and Human Rights
- tea [dot] jerkovicec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 88400
- Responsibilities
- Policy Assistant to the Vice-President
- Internal and external communications
- HR media
- Aspects of youth related files
- martina [dot] del-ministroec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 54304
- stephanie [dot] clouetec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 59954
- helena [dot] kolajec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 61710
- lucy [dot] maherec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 58 43185
- rosanda [dot] lazic-mrakuzicec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57367
- martina [dot] simcicec [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +32 2 29 57422