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Consult the calendar of the President and Commissioners for the term 2024-2029.
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Calendar items of the President and Commissioners (448)
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Commissioner Ivanova participates in the COMPET Council, Brussels
Commissioner Ivanova meets with Mr Yin Hejun, Minister of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, Brussels
Commissioner Ivanova meets with Professor Dr. Plamen Doinov, Rector of New Bulgarian University, Sofia
Commissioner Ivanova meets with Professor Dr. Georgi Valchev, Rector of Sofia University, Sofia
Commissioner Ivanova participates in an event on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the "Orange Day", Embassy of Hungary, Sofia
Commissioner Ivanova delivers an opening speech via video message at the Central European Technology Forum (CETEF), Kraków
Commissioner Ivanova delivers an opening speech via video message at the 2024 European Innovative Teaching Award event, Brussels
Commissioner Ivanova meets with Mr Carlos Moedas, Mayor of Lisbon, and with the mayors of the 6 finalist cities of the iCapital Awards, Lisbon
Commissioner Ivanova participates in the iCapital Awards Ceremony, Lisbon
Commissioner Ivanova meets with Mr Fernando Alexandre, Minister of Education, Science and Innovation of Portugal
Commissioner Ivanova visits the National Erasmus+ Office in Baku
Commissioner Ivanova participates in the COP29 and delivers a speech at the high-level event “The Future of Net Zero Competitiveness”, Baku
Commissioner Ivanova participates in the 2023 Discharge Hearing by the Committee on Budgetary Control of the European Parliament, Brussels
Commissioner Ivanova delivers an opening speech via video message at the ENGAGE.EU Annual Conference, Vienna
Commissioner Ivanova attends the College meeting, Brussels
Commissioner Ivanova delivers a speech at the Cities Mission Label Award Ceremony, Strasbourg
Commissioner Ivanova participates in the meeting of the College of Commissioners and attends the EP Plenary session, Strasbourg
Commissioner Ivanova participates in a Roundtable with investors and Greek innovation ecosystem stakeholders, Athens
Commissioner Ivanova meets with Mr Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Athens
Commissioner Ivanova participates in the High-Level launch event of the EIC Trusted Investors Network and the inauguration of the EIC Scaling summit, Athens