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Calendar items - Commissioners

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Calendar items - Commissioners (597)

Showing results 20 to 40
Commissioner Lenarčič meets Mr David Miliband, President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Commissioner Lenarčič meets Mr. Jan Egeland, Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Commissioner Lenarčič meets Mr Jagan Chapagain, IFRC Secretary General
Commissioner Lenarčič meets Ms. Catherine Russell, UNICEF’s Executive Director and Mr. Ted Chaiban, Unicef’s Deputy Executive Director, Humanitarian Action and Supply Operations
  • Belgium
Commissioner Lenarčič co-hosts with Ms. Caroline Gennez, Minister of Development Cooperation and Urban Policy of Belgium the European Humanitarian Forum 2024
  • Belgium
Commissioner Lenarčič meets Ms. Virginia Gamba, United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict
Commissioner Lenarčič meets Ms Charlotte Slente, Secretary-General of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
  • Belgium
Commissioner Lenarčič meets the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Ms Mirjana Spoljaric
  • Belgium
Commissioner Lenarčič meets Ms McCain, Executive Director of the World Food Programme
Commissioner Lenarčič meets Her Majesty The Queen of Belgium
  • Belgium
Commissioner Lenarčič receives Mr Chris Lockyear, Secretary General at Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Commissioner Lenarčič receives Ms Wiebke Osigus, Minister of Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development of Lower Saxony
Commissioner Lenarčič welcomes Ms Iris Spranger, Senator for Interior, Digitalisation and Sport of Berlin and Mr. Christian Hochgrebe, State Secretary, Senate of the Interior and Sport, City of Berlin in the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC)
Commissioner Lenarčič receives Mr. Achim Steiner, United Nations Under Secretary-General and Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme
Commissioner Lenarčič receives Mr. Ilan Baruch, former Israeli Ambassador to South Africa and Mr. Ashraf Ajrami, former Palestinian Minister for Prisoners Affairs
Commissioner Lenarčič receives H.E. Mr Irakli Kobakhidze, Prime Minister of Georgia
Commissioner Lenarčič receives Ms. Sigrid Kaag, Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza
Commissioner Lenarčič and Commissioner Hoekstra visit the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC)
Commissioner Lenarčič receives Mr Dan Jørgensen, Minister for development cooperation and global climate policy of Denmark
Commissioner Lenarčič meets Ms. Nadia Calviño, President of the European Investment Bank
  • Luxembourg